All Things Through Him
The True Story of Tony and Donna Cannon
I first met Tony and Donna Cannon in the summer of 2019. I had just moved to Rocky Ford, Colorado, and joined the First Baptist Church, where they attended. Donna was the music director, led the choir, played the piano and organ, and occasionally sang solos. Her husband Tony was quieter, but I could see, too, that he was a man of God.
A few months after I joined the church, Tony sang a solo with Donna accompanying him on the piano. I hadn’t expected anything unusual, but he rendered that hymn with such power and sincerity that I knew there was something unique inside him.
In February 2020, Tony sang again and gave a talk about his life. Hearing for the first time what the Cannon family had experienced and how their faith, perseverance, love, and God’s saving grace had seen them through profoundly impacted me.
I’ve always had a tendency to worry, but as Tony revealed his deep trust in the Lord and how it had affected his and Donna's lives, it was as though God was standing next to him, looking directly at me and asking, “Any questions?” Seeing how God had worked in their lives strengthened my faith and showed me that this was a story that needed to be shared.
The writing of All Things Through Him wasn’t easy for the Cannons, opening their lives to the world. Nor was I certain if I’d even be able to do it. Still, we talked about it and prayed together, knowing that even if we failed, we wouldn’t be any worse off. Neither did we have any lofty goals, for as Tony stated, “I’m just hoping it blesses one person.”
The one thing we knew was that Tony’s life had been spared for a reason. It’s our fervent prayer that this inspiring story is a blessing in your life as well.
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